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Our Story Is Just Beginning

We are in for an exciting year - you could say I have fifth-grade fever for room 41!

The 2016-2017 school year is not only a thrilling time for your children, but also for myself. Your children will be completing their final year of elementary school and graduating onto middle school, but I have the privilege of teaching them as my first group of students... and I could not be more excited!


My name is Josie Vandermolen and this year I am teaching fifth-grade at Justine Spitalny Elementary School in the Cartwright District. I have made the big move to Phoenix from west Michigan. Although Michigan has its beauty in the surrounding dunes and lakes, I was interested in exploring the valley and the deserts of Phoenix, and of course - the schools! I have a younger brother who will be attending film school this year, and my parents are adopting a new puppy! I am newly engaged, and my fiancé still lives in Michigan.


I attended Hope College from 2012 to 2016 and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Learning Disabilities within the Special Education Department - although I am certified to teach both special education and general education.  I have always had a passion for educating young minds; during my summers I was a nanny and camp counselor at the local summer camp. My deepest joys come from a child's questions and his or her abilities to problem solve by themselves, with peers, or with the help of me as a guide and catalyst. 


Fifth-grade is fun! We will be learning a variety of things this year; some of these things include really honing in on fractions and decimals, working with managing money, parts of speech, analyzing informational texts, and some fun science experiments. 

Send a message if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

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Justine Spitalny Elementary School

3201 N 46th Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85031

Tel: (623) 691-4400

Extension: 4441

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