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Upcoming Important Dates and Events

The first day of school is rapidly approaching and I am becoming so anxious to begin!!! Before we start, I would love to see as many parents as possible on Meet The Teacher Night!

El primer día de clases se acerca rápidamente y estoy volviendo tan ansioso por empezar!!! Antes de empezar, me gustaría ver a tantos padres como sea posible en la noche de conocer maestro!

Upcoming Events:

  • July 25th-29th: New Teacher Induction!

  • August 8th: Meet the Teacher Night at 5:00-7:00pm

  • August 9th: First Day of School

  • September 14th: Parent Coffee Talk

Meet the teacher:

Bienvenidos! Me llamo Señorita Vandermolen :)

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