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To finish our rainforest unit, we made our own rainforest dioramas to show our favorite parts that we learned! Some students chose the happy-face spider, while others chose sloths and the canopies where Meg Lowman climbs to study insects! Some chose capuchin monkeys and others depicted the liana vines and bromeliad leaves. We created a gallery to walk through and invited other classes to come visit while the rainforest sounds played in the background. We all had a grand time!!! This was personally one of my favorite projects of the year! I am SO proud of how hard students worked and how amazing they turned out!

Meet the teacher:

Bienvenidos! Me llamo Señorita Vandermolen :)

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Justine Spitalny Elementary School

3201 N 46th Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85031

Tel: (623) 691-4400

Extension: 4441

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