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Student Council!

Student council is in full swing this year, and I am so excited to be part of it. Mrs. Canuas is our amazing fearless leader and I'm here to help wherever needed. This year we have 65 fourth and fifth graders involved being leaders to Spitalny! We are also the Fuel Up To Play 60 team for our school, helping to promote healthy eating and physical activity with the Dairy Council of Arizona and the NFL!!!

Our student council students have helped improve planters around school by using our compost pile to replant, take out recycling for all of the teachers, and say the daily announcements in the morning. They are also making signs for our Walk To School Day! They are doing a GREAT job!

Students get their own "Fuel Up To Play 60" lanyards to set them apart as student council members!

Meet the teacher:

Bienvenidos! Me llamo Señorita Vandermolen :)

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